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Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Configuring BI Publisher to use OVD as authenticator

This post will show the steps to configure OVD as authenticator for BI Publisher i.e users accounts coming from OVD can login to BI Publisher.

Below steps need to be followed to accomplish the same:

Open the BI Domain console and navigate to Realms-> myrealm->Providers. Below page is displayed(OVD Authenticator will not be listed there as we need to configure the same):

Now click on New to configure OVD Authenticator:

Provide a name for Authenticator and Type as OracleVirtualDirectoryAuthenticator  as displayed in the screenshot above. Click OK to save.

Once the Authenticator is created, we need to provide configuration parameters for the same as below:

Under Configuration->Common, select Control Flag as SUFFICIENT.

Now click on Configuration->Provider Specific to provide the other configuration parameters as below:

Provide the below details and click SAVE to save the configuration:
Host, Port, Principal, Credential, Confirm Credential, check SSL Enabled, User Base DN, User Object Class, Group Base DN, Dynamic Group Name Attribute


Once the system is restarted, navigate to Security Realms->myrealm->Users and Groups and search if BISystemUser appear in the list as shown below:

Now navigate to Roles and Policies->Realm Roles->Global Roles->Roles->Admin and click on View Roles Conditions:

Click on Add Conditions, select User from drop-down, click Next. Now enter BISystemUser in User Argument Name and click Add to add it to the conditions list and then click Finish and then click Save on below page to save the changes.

Now the similar thing needs to be done for JMS Module. Navigate to Services->Messaging->JMS Modules

Click on BipJMSResource. Navigate to Security Tab and add the condition for BISystemUser there as below:

Now, open EM console and do the following changes there:

Navigate to Weblogic Domain->bifoundation_domain and select it. From drop-down select Security->Application Roles. In the field Application Stripe, select obi and then click the search image, click the BISystem application role and click Edit Link. Once the user is successfully added, it will appear in the list as below:

Now select Security->Security Provider Configuration from drop-down. Now expand the Identity Store Provider and click on Configure Button and the add the following properties[user.login.attr = cn, PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_MAPPING = GUID=sn, username.attr = cn, virtualize = true] and click OK to save the configuration:

Now Restart the entire BI-environment and check the logs of bi_server1 for any possible errors related to Identity Store, else we are good to go.

Now take a user from OVD and try to authenticate into BI Publisher, user should be able to authenticate.

Monday, 10 August 2015

Manually Revoking a Resource Object using Database

Have you ever had a Resource Object stuck in a Pending or Provisioning state that you just couldn't do anything about? This happens a lot when first setting up a Resource Object and running Revoke before you create the Revoke tasks. The status will stay on "Provisioned" but all the tasks inside will say "Cancelled" and there's nothing more you can do to it. If you only allow one instance that user is now stuck.

To revoke a struck Resource Object, first we need to search the Resource Object which user has, along with their statuses and necessary keys required later to revoke the RO. Below is the query:

select oiu.oiu_key, oiu.obi_key, oiu.orc_key, ost.ost_status, obj.obj_name, obj.obj_key,oiu.req_key
from oiu inner join ost on oiu.ost_key = ost.ost_key inner join obi on oiu.obi_key = obi.obi_key

inner join 
obj on obi.obj_key = obj.obj_key where oiu.usr_key=(select usr_key from usr where usr_login='USER ID');

Look at the results and find the line that has the stuck object and save the OIU_KEY and the OBJ_KEY.

Next we need the key for this Object's Revoked status. Each Object has it's own set of Status Codes, so to find the ones for our object above, run this query and replace OBJ_KEY with the OBJ_KEY number from the first query above:

select * from OST where obj_key = 'OBJ_KEY';

Look at the results and find the line where the OST_STATUS is "Revoked" and save the OST_KEY.

Next we will update the Object Instance, and set it's status to the new key. If you want to see the current record in it's bare naked form run this (Replace OIU_KEY with the OIU_KEY from the first query):

select * from oiu where OIU_KEY = 'OIU_KEY';

You will see in the results the OST_KEY column. This is the current status of your Resource Object. This is what we are going to change to the new status. So let's run this query, replacing OST_KEY with the OST_KEY from the second query and OIU_KEY with the OIU_KEY from the first query:

update oiu set ost_key = 'OST_KEY' where oiu_key='OIU_KEY';

Perform a Commit and that's it. Pull up the resource profile for the user in the web console and you should see the status for that resource object is now "Revoked".

Monday, 27 July 2015

Create a Custom Resource Object in OIM 11gR2

Steps involved in creating a custom Resource Object are as below:

1. Create a Resource Object
2. Create a Process Definition
3. Create a Process Form
4. Create Adapter
5. Create Provision Task
6. Create Revoke Task

Below are the details of the steps to provide an easier understanding of how to proceed with the creation of Resource Object:

1. Create Resource Object
   In Design Console go to Resource Object under Resource Management

   Now fill in the details like Name: Test Resource, Order For User, Type: Application

   Click the save button to create the Resource Object.

2. Create Process Definition

   In Design Console go to Process Definition under Process Management:

       Provide details like Name: Test Resource, Type: Provisioning, Object Name: Test Resource(Created in 1st Step), Table Name: UD_TEMP and click save to create a Process Definition for Resource Object.

   Now if you check in OIM, the resource is available for Provisioning but it will be stucked in Provisioning and then it cannot be revoked as there is no Provisioning or Revoked task present for the Resource.

3. Create Process Form

   In Design Console go to Form Designer under Development Tools:

       Provide the Table Name: UD_TEMP and click search to open the related form and then click on Create New Version, Add the fields that you wish to add and then click Save and then click Make Version Active:

   Process Form is successfully created and activated.

4. Create Adapter
   We will create a simple adapter that will take input and output an output.

   Go to Adapter Factory under Development Tools:

   Provide a name for the Adapter, CopyData in this case, select the Adapter Type as Process Task, provide some description and click Save.

   Now create a Input variable by clicking on Variable List tab and then press add button, provide the required details in the popup as below and then click Save:

   Now go to Adapter Tasks tab and click on CopyData and then press the Add button. Provide the details as below and click Save and close the popup.

   Save the Adapter and click on Build to Compile the Adapter. The compile Status should get updated with OK to mark the successful compilation of the Adapter.

5. Create Provision Task
       Go back to Process Definition under Process Management, open the Test Resource Process Definition created in Step 2. We will create a Provision Task now with name Provision It. In Task tab, click create to create the Task:

   Please make sure that Required for Completion, Allow Cancellation while Pending and Allow Multiple Instances are checked and Conditional is unchecked(very Important). Now click on the Integration tab and Add the adpCopyData Adpater created in the previous step.

   Two variables will popup as below with mapped status as N.

   Map Adapter Return Variable to Response Code and Input to Literal String with Literal Value of OK. Click Save, mapping status for both the variables should get updated as Y:

   Now add a response by going on Responses tab, add a response by clicking Add. Provide Response as OK, since we have mapped the Input to Literal String OK in this case and then select the status C.

   Go to Task to Object Status Mapping tab and search for status C(Completed) and select the Object Status for that as Provisioned:

   Now the resource is ready to be provisioned in OIM with the status being updated to OIM after successful provisioning.

6. Create Revoke Task
   Let's create a Revoke Task now called Revoke It to Revoke the Resource Object. Procedure for creating Revoke task is similar to Provision task, except for the 2 exceptions which we will mention going forward.

   First exception will be to check Conditional here(Very Crucial as the Resource will be Revoked soon after being Provisioned if Revoked is not marked as Conditional: Refer the above Screenshot)

   Save the task and now map C to Revoked in Task to Object Status Mapping as below:

   Now the object can successfully be revoked in OIM.

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Fetching Task Instance key from OIM Database using Task Name

Below query can be used to fetch task instance key for the task from OIM Database using the process instance key and task name as input parameters:

SELECT sch.sch_key FROM osi, sch,mil WHERE mil.mil_key = osi.mil_key AND osi.sch_key = sch.sch_key AND mil.mil_name='Task Name' AND orc_key='Process Instance Key';

To fetch the latest or last task instance key use the below query:

SELECT max(sch.sch_key) FROM osi, sch,mil WHERE mil.mil_key = osi.mil_key AND osi.sch_key = sch.sch_key AND mil.mil_name='Task Name' AND orc_key='Process Instance Key';

Eg: For a user, we have the create user task for which we want to fetch the Task Instance Key then we can update the query as below:

SELECT max(sch.sch_key) FROM osi, sch,mil WHERE mil.mil_key = osi.mil_key AND osi.sch_key = sch.sch_key AND mil.mil_name='Create User' AND orc_key='Process Instance Key';

To view the list of task available, hit the below query:
select  * from mil;